关于我们 About Us

语言 Language.
教育 Education.
旅行 Travel.
文化交流 Cultural Exchange.

我们的理念 Our philosophy

从教育学习中开启世界鸿观 Open view of the world from education learnin

我们提供各种不同年龄层,国籍或背景的人一个学习不同语言和文化的机会, 对那些勇敢的想要更进一步的提升自己能力与领域的人,我们协助你打开无限可能的门.

We offer all ages, nationalities of backgrounds people an opportunity to learn different languages and cultures, for those brave who want to further improve their abilities and fields, we assist you to open the door of infinite possibilities.

reading, books, hands

我们的故事 Our Story


Every Chinese in the United States has a journey of his own. Through our experience, you can quickly come here and integrate this completely different country, language and culture, and learn valuable experiences.

Our education program

We have designed different programs for people of all ages, nationalities or backgrounds. For more information, please see our services.

human, observer, exhibition