年龄19-22岁 Ages 19-22

高中毕业与大学生 College Students

高中毕业与大学生 College Students

年龄19-22岁 Ages 19-22

18+岁已经是法订的成年年龄了,成熟独立有自己的想法与未来规划,会造就不凡的一生,马上行动加把劲! 我们会根据你的需要与预算,规画短期的2-4週寒暑假游学或者是长期2週-11個月的留学,烦请填写你的报名资料参与我们的免费资询:

18+ years old is already the adult age of the law. Being mature and independent have their own thinking and future plans. It will create an extraordinary life. We will plan short-term 2-4 weeks winter and summer vacations or long-term 2 weeks – 11 month’s study abroad according to your needs and budget. Please apply and fill in your information to participate in our free inquiry: